SEH GRANT in herpetology
SEH Grant in Herpetology for 2025
The “SEH Grant in Herpetology” will be made available again in 2025 to support projects orientated to the conservation of the amphibians and reptiles of Europe and the Mediterranean basin, focused on either a species or habitat, with two grants of up to EUR 5 000 each.
The SEH Conservation Committee and the SEH Council will decide on the project applications, by taking into consideration the following:
Conservation orientation/ value of the proposal
Extent of the area to be covered
Likelihood of success, with realistic timetable and measurable targets
Costs and time table (expenses for the project- material, other costs (e.g. petrol)
Scientific background
Necessity of SEH funding: pilot projects are welcome
Conservation status of targeted species.
Precondition of application is active SEH membership status. Applications from young researchers are particularly encouraged.
The deadline for applications is 12th January 2025 and they should be sent to the SEH Conservation Committee (e-mail: as PDF Files and should include the words “SEH Grant application” in the email subject line.
Applications should include:
A short curriculum vitae of the prospective candidate(s).
An outline of the project, including a timetable, the goals that are intended to be achieved and the means for reaching these goals.
A financial plan, including a statement on other financial support for the project and should include a statement on why SEH funding is being requested.
Please send your application in a single document – maximum of 4 pages. (The collected data will not be provided to third parties.)
A decision on the applications will be announced until 31st January 2025. The grants will be provided on the understanding that the funds are used exclusively for the purpose that they were requested for, and that a report (to be published in AMRE and on the SEH website) will be submitted to the SEH Conservation Committee immediately after the project has been completed.